Here are links to a few recent services. You can find all our services on our YouTube channel:

New Focus Church Online

Click any picture to listen to an audio of the sermon or watch a whole service on YouTube (the video link is at the end after the hymns). A copy of the hymns used in each service and a short introduction to the main themes of the day’s message is included. These are sent to subscribers as a weekly email prior to the service. If you would like to receive this email send your email address from the box at the bottom of the page and we shall be pleased to add you to our circulation. Scripture readings are taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

Peter Meney Peter Meney

An Ensign For The Nations

Isaiah rejoiced in the glorious person of the Messiah seeing in Him many wonderful pictures of divine salvation and spiritual life. Here are seven names and roles explained by Isaiah to the people of his day by which the loveliness of the Lord Jesus Christ is explained, and by which Isaiah shows he grasped the worldwide effect and success of the gospel.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

Because Of The Anointing

The Lord’s elect people are a remnant people who have escaped from judgment and death through the sacrifice and deliverance of their Saviour. The remnant stay upon the Lord in truth, they return to the Lord, and they prove the Lord faithful. These lessons Isaiah taught to the encouragement and comfort of the Lord’s elect then, and they shall remain and encouragement for all time for the Lord’s church from every nation. The elect are be saved because of the appointing and anointing of our Saviour to His task.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

“Unto Us”

The Lord’s people of Isaiah’s day and during the following years waited patiently for the coming of the promised child, the Son of God. Today we are blessed to have seen in all its glory the wonderful work of redemption and grace by the Lord Jesus Christ. Both they, and we, look to Christ by faith, trusting in the power and efficacy of His blood.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

I And The Children

Our Saviour, Jesus Christ, comforted the Lord’s elect people, His children, in the Old Testament as well as He comforts us today. Then He gave signs, made promises and sometimes showed Himself to His people to encourage them through their trials. In today’s service we consider Immanuel’s land, Christ our Sanctuary, and a wonderful revelation of Christ and His gathered people to a waiting, watching prophet.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

A Sign, A Son, Immanuel

When God sent Isaiah and his son with good news to wicked king Ahaz, the king mocked the message and the messenger. Ahaz denied God’s goodness and determined to save himself by his own means. There is a judgment coming for all who reject God’s gospel. Yet all through the difficult years ahead the Lord’s elect were comforted by the fact that sooner or later a remnant will return, Immanuel would be born of a virgin and God’s way of salvation fulfilled.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

Here Am I; Send Me

The Lord Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever, and everywhere in scripture where the Lord Jesus Christ is found is as relevant yesterday, today and forever. Isaiah preached many years ago but his message is relevant to us today, warning of judgment to come for the wicked and God’s faithfulness in Jesus Christ to the elect remnant.

05 February 2021

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

Sing To My Wellbeloved

The Lord Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever, and everywhere in scripture where the Lord Jesus Christ is found is as relevant yesterday, today and forever. Isaiah preached many years ago but his message is relevant to us today, warning of judgment to come for the wicked and God’s faithfulness in Jesus Christ to the elect remnant.

05 February 2021

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

The Branch Beautiful And Glorious

The Lord Jesus Christ was foreseen by Isaiah. He looked forward to a time when the beauty and glory of the Messiah would be seen through all the earth. With this prophecy he encouraged and comforted the elect of his own day as he anticipated the fruitfulness of Christ in bringing many sons to glory.

29 January 2021

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

Judah Is Fallen

The Lord Jesus Christ is always pleased to comfort, defend and represent His people whom He loves with an everlasting love. He calls us ‘righteous’ because we are pure, clean and holy in Him. He calls us, ‘my people’ because He owns us as our Creator, Redeemer and Bridegroom. He calls us ‘the poor’ because we are the blessed poor whom He has fitted to receive all the riches of His grace and glory.

22 January 2021

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

Swords Into Plowshares

The Lord Jesus Christ in His death and resurrection established His kingdom, sent forth His ministers and is not victoriously gathering God’s elect from all the nations of the world. Isaiah saw this great work of the last days seven centuries before Christ came. He encouraged the Lord’s people of his age with this prophecy. We should be encouraged in its fulfilment.

15 January 2021

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

A Very Small Remnant

The Lord Jesus Christ is the subject of all the scripture and the message of redemption and salvation is clearly seen in Isaiah’s prophecy by those to whom the gospel is revealed. Isaiah tells us the Lord God has a remnant people chosen by grace whose sins shall be purely purged and who will be washed and made clean in the blood of Jesus Christ.

08 January 2021

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

All The Days Of My Life

The Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord our Shepherd. David knew this and writes beautifully and preciously of his personal relationship with the Lord Jesus his Shepherd. What better way to begin our New Year than being reminded, ‘The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want’ and shall be, ‘all the days of my life’.

01 January 2021

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

The Presence Of Christ Come

The Lord Jesus Christ was announced by the angel with these words, ‘Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.’ The gospel takes away our fear. It brings good tidings of great joy because our Saviour, Christ the Lord, is born.

25 December 2022

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

Preparation For Christ’s Coming

The Lord Jesus Christ came into the world in ‘the fulness of time’. That is, He came when God had prepared all the circumstances for His manifestation. The people, the places, the timing and the events of Christ’s birth were not left to chance but purposefully organised so that everything promised, prophesied and appertaining to Christ’s birth would be exactly as God had planned.

18 December 2022

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

The Prophecy Of Christ’s Coming

The Lord Jesus Christ’s coming was promised and prophesied. The Old Testament believers had lots of knowledge about the Messiah’s coming and many glorious aspects of Christ revealed to them concerning His nature, character, work and accomplishments. Our Saviour’s name ‘shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace’.

11 December 2022

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

The Promise Of Christ’s Coming

The world had not long been created when Satan in the form of a serpent tempted Adam and Eve to disobey God’s command. The result was not the blessedness man hoped for but shame, guilt and expulsion from the presence and fellowship of God. Yet, even in the very process of declaiming sin and bringing judgment our Lord God gave mankind hope by pointing forward to a Seed who would destroy the works of the devil. It pleased the Lord that our Redeemer be bruised, yet our Saviour in turn has by His suffering bruised that old serpent’s head and destroyed the works of the devil.

04 December 2022

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

Received Up Into Heaven

At the Saviour’s ascension we are told Christ was received up into heaven, that is, He was received with praise, glory and worship as the victor returned from the fight. As believers we look forward to the day we shall be caught up by Him, ever to dwell with Him, our blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

27 November 2022

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

Preach The Gospel

Our Saviour’s great commission to His disciples was that they preach the gospel to every creature. It was the gospel for free, sovereign grace that must be preached. The message of particular redemption, complete forgiveness and justifying righteousness for God’s people by the death of Jesus Christ. That is the gospel. Nothing else will do. May the Lord give us boldness to continue to preach the same gospel to our generation that the Apostles preached to theirs.

20 November 2022

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

First To Mary Magdalene

Our Saviour’s Resurrection Day visits totalled five and each of them was designed to help, support, encourage and comfort His people for the challenges they faced. Being visited by the risen Christ is a privilege granted exclusively to the Lord’s elect and a gift discovered by faith each time the gospel is preached to the heart of a child of God.

13 November 2022

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

Christ Is Risen

For the women present that morning by the empty tomb, and all who believe their testimony, and the testimony of scripture, the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the indisputable fact that fuels our faith. By Christ’s resurrection we have the good hope of entering heaven with these very bodies suitably changed, there to experience and enjoy life with Christ forever.

6 November 2022

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