Preach The Gospel
Our Bible passage, introduction to Sunday 20th November’s service and hymns are below.
Our verses are:
Mar 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
Mar 16:16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
Mar 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
Mar 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
Preach The Gospel
Our passage today contains the verse that launched a thousand ships, and a thousand missionary endeavours. Jesus said, ‘Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature’. These words from the Saviour have challenged generations of men and women to lash themselves to the mast of the good ship evangelism and carry the gospel message of Christ’s death and resurrection to the ends of the earth. Isaiah says, ‘Listen, O isles, unto me; and hearken, ye people, from far’.
The earth shall be filled
Matthew records the Lord’s instruction in a parallel passage and refers to ‘teaching all nations’. Luke, in Acts, recounts the Lord as saying, ‘ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth’. Today we call this passage, ‘The Great Commission’. It is what Habakkuk is referring to when he writes, ‘For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea’ (2:14).
The redeemed shall return
It should never cease to amaze us how small were the beginnings of the immense work of the apostles in the spread of the gospel, and how great has been the result. From a few disheartened and confused fishermen and tax-collectors the message of grace has travelled around the world and, we are told in the book of Revelation, gathered a people redeemed to God by the blood of Jesus Christ, ‘out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation’.
He shall send forth His angels
This world-wide task was always at the forefront of the Lord’s purpose for His disciples. His teaching and example was their preparation for their ministry. From the beginning the Lord called the disciples to be ‘fishers of men’ and after three years of intimate, thorough and exemplary instruction these men were now entering upon their great calling. Soon the Holy Spirit would fall on them and they would ‘be endued with power from on high’.
To be believed upon
We note, too, the Lord Jesus appointed these men to preach the gospel. They were chosen to that end. John tells us, they were ordained, that they ‘should go and bring forth fruit, and that … fruit should remain’. The Lord Jesus Christ, having died, risen and accomplished the putting away of sin by His death now would have this message declared to the whole world, to be believed upon, that faith and salvation be granted to, and experienced by, all for whom the Saviour laid down His life.
For the obedience of faith
The apostles’ principle role was preaching the gospel and this continues to be the prime task of the church. By preaching the gospel of free and sovereign grace Christ’s kingdom is established, God’s elect gathered in, and the church built up in the faith. Salvation comes to those who believe and are baptised, that is to say, those who receive and believe the gospel of Jesus Christ with the obedience of faith.
Believe and be baptised
It is not believing that saves a sinner, nor does baptism confirm our salvation, but these two experiences reveal the effect of the new birth and the transforming knowledge of divine grace in a sinner’s life. The elect of God have faith unto salvation, not for salvation, and in believing they are possessed with a desire to honour, serve and follow their Lord Jesus Christ in newness of life. This is represented by believer’s baptism. It is neither our believing, nor our baptism that saves, but both reflect the work of conversion in a heart and soul touched by grace.
Signs shall follow them
The signs following these conversions are typical of the divine power at work in gathering the elect, particularly in the experience of the apostles themselves, and gospel preachers. Casting out devils pictures the entrance of Christ into a soul and the expulsion of Satan at the new birth. ‘Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God’ which is the preaching of the gospel. This message would be heard and understood in the real languages of the hearers, so on the day of Pentecost the people cried in amazement at the Apostles’ preaching, ‘we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God’.
Lo, I am with you alway
Taking up serpents and drinking deadly potions without harm were never intended as tricks to impress natural men and women but are reassurances that the God who sends forth His ministers also controls and protects their every step and provides their every need. Signs and healing reveal the power of the Holy Spirit in those who are converted and those who bring the message of grace. Within a few weeks of giving these words to His disciples thousands would be saved on the Day of Pentecost, and the great latter-day ingathering of Christ’s Kingdom begun.
Our hymns are below.
Hymn 1
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Before Sermon. Deut. 32. 2, 3; Isa. 55. 11
D. Herbert C.M.
Lord, fill thy servant’s soul today
With pure seraphic fire,
And set his tongue at liberty,
And grant his soul’s desire.
O may he preach the word of God
With energy and power;
May gospel-blessings spread around,
Like a refreshing shower.
May God’s eternal love and grace
Be sweetly felt within;
While he is preaching Christ the Lord,
Who bore our curse and sin.
May burdened sinners lose their load,
And downcast souls rejoice;
May doubting souls believe today
They are Jehovah’s choice.
May Christ be first, and Christ be last,
And Christ be all in all,
Who died to make salvation sure,
And raise us from the fall.
O may thy servant now today
Proclaim salvation free,
As finished by the Son of God,
For such poor souls as we.
Hymn 2
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“Because thou sayest, I am rich.” Rev. 3. 17
J. Hart C.M.
What makes mistaken men afraid
Of sovereign grace to preach!
The reason is, if truth be said,
Because they are so rich.
Why so offensive in their eyes
Does God’s election seem?
Because they think themselves so wise
That they have chosen him.
Of perseverance why so loath
Are some to speak or hear?
Because, as masters over sloth,
They vow to persevere.
Whence is imputed righteousness
A point so little known?
Because men think they all possess
Some righteousness their own.
Not so the needy, helpless soul,
Prefers his humble prayer;
He looks to him that works the whole,
And seeks his treasure there.
His language is, “Let me, my God,
On sovereign grace rely;
And own ’tis free, because bestowed
On one so vile as I.
“Election! ’tis a word divine;
For, Lord, I plainly see,
Had not thy choice prevented mine,
I ne’er had chosen thee.
“For perseverance strength I’ve none,
But would on this depend –
That Jesus, having loved his own,
Will love them to the end.
“Empty and bare, I come to thee
For righteousness divine;
O may thy matchless merits be,
By imputation, mine.”
Thus differ these; yet hoping each
To make salvation sure.
Now most men will approve the rich,
But Christ has blessed the poor.
Our Saviour’s great commission to His disciples was that they preach the gospel to every creature. It was the gospel for free, sovereign grace that must be preached. The message of particular redemption, complete forgiveness and justifying righteousness for God’s people by the death of Jesus Christ. That is the gospel. Nothing else will do. May the Lord give us boldness to continue to preach the same gospel to our generation that the Apostles preached to theirs.
20 November 2022