Here are links to a few recent services. You can find all our services on our YouTube channel:

New Focus Church Online

Click any picture to listen to an audio of the sermon or watch a whole service on YouTube (the video link is at the end after the hymns). A copy of the hymns used in each service and a short introduction to the main themes of the day’s message is included. These are sent to subscribers as a weekly email prior to the service. If you would like to receive this email send your email address from the box at the bottom of the page and we shall be pleased to add you to our circulation. Scripture readings are taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

Peter Meney Peter Meney

Ask Any Thing

The Lord Jesus Christ is encouraging His disciples prior to leaving them at the time of His death. He teaches them the beautiful doctrine of His union with His Father and how their faith is to be directed to Him as the divine person and provider of all their needs. He will accomplish all His will and purpose and provide them the tools to secure the end.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

The Way, The Truth, The Life

The Lord Jesus comforts His disciples as they learn about His imminent death and departure. He comforts all His children with promises of His heavenly glory, His presence with us on earth and His divine power to accomplish our full salvation.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

The Walls Of Jerusalem

Guilt will silence a believer’s worship and witness. It did for David. He pleads therefore that the Lord would grant him evangelical repentance, which is a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart. When the Lord grants repentance for sin He will not despise or deny the appeal for forgiveness and the peace of conscience that a child of God seeks.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

Joy And Gladness

David pleaded for cleansing from his sin but he also asked that the Lord would restore to him the joy of salvation; the joy and gladness that the psalmist-prophet had lost. Here we consider what the essence of spiritual joy is, how Satan tries to trick us out of its experience and how it is to be recovered by those who have fallen into sin.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

Whiter Than Snow

David's sins were great but His Saviour's grace is greater. In Psalm 51 the broken and humiliated sinner sought forgiveness from the LORD upon the promises of God's own covenant mercy and with an eye to the Lord Jesus Christ. David is an example for us all.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

Pity A City

Jonah’s little book teaches us much about God’s sovereignty and dominion in this world. This is God's world and He is doing His good pleasure in it to do His people good and accomplish His purpose. May we all have a sense of the precious value of a soul that the Lord Jesus came to die for.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

Jonah Was Very Angry

Jonah's anger at the Lord seems astonishing. How can such a thing be justified? It cannot. Nevertheless, we all are prone to Jonah's sin for our own personal reasons when Satan temps us to despair and we look for someone to blame. May we learn from Jonah and be protected by the same God who patiently cared for His wayward prophet.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

Sackcloth And Ashes

By the free and sovereign grace of God the Gentile inhabitants of Nineveh were saved. God gifted them a faithful preacher in Jonah, repentance for their sin, forgiveness and faith in the blood of Christ and deliverance from judgment. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and for ever.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

Nineveh Believed God

Jonah preached God’s gospel to Nineveh and the people of the city believed God. Here we see God’s mercy at work in the life of Jonah and in the lives of multitudes of Gentile sinners. The history of Jonah and Nineveh is an encouragement for us all to seek the grace of our merciful God.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

My Soul Fainted Within Me

When Jonah was in the belly of the fish he prayed and was heard by God. He confessed his sin, asked for deliverance and thanked God for his salvation. He declared 'Salvation is of the Lord'. This is the testimony of all who are delivered by the Lord Jesus Christ from their sins.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

Out Of The Belly Of Hell

When Jonah was in the belly of the fish he cried to the Lord and the Lord heard him. The Lord will hear all who cry to him in faith from their afflictions. Here are some lessons from Jonah’s prayer.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

In The Belly Of The Fish

The sign of Jonas points to the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Men and women say they are seek a sign by which they can  be convinced to believe in Jesus. There shall be no sign given beyond the death and resurrection of Christ. If you will not believe that you will not believe at all.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

Jonah Cast Into The Sea

Jonah was a type of the Lord Jesus Christ. Here we hear Jonah’s testimony, see Him as a picture of Christ’s ransom and discover his comfort for those who die in the Lord.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

A Ticket To Tarshish

Jonah is a well-known Old Testament prophet. He is also a lovely type of the Lord Jesus Christ. Here we begin a short study of Jonah's life and the lessons taught him by the Lord.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

Freely Given All Things

Jehovah God has given the Lord Jesus Christ to the church as the supreme evidence of His love. He has also freely given us all things with Him of which we are partakers by faith. This is our inheritance in Christ and is all to God's glory and praise.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

Delivered Up For Us All

The essence of the gospel is substitution. Christ died for our sins. According to the terms of the everlasting covenant of peace God spared not His Son but delivered Him up for all of us who are loved, chosen, called, justified and glorified in Christ.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

His Own Son

Our ever-loving God is for us, for His people. So much so, says Paul, that ‘He spared not His own Son’. Our safety, security and hope in this life and for the next is in the grace and mercy of Him who gave His own Son, and spared Him not, to bring many sons to glory.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

If God Be For Us …

God is for us! Our God is for His beloved, chosen, called and justified people. He sent Christ to die for us and His Spirit to convert us. He keeps us faithful. He feeds our souls. He comforts our spirits. He does all this because He is for us. If God is for us who can be against us?

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

Glorified By God

God calls His people glorious because He has made us so in Christ. Glorious is not something we shall become, it is what we now are, having been chosen, called and justified by the grace of God. And there is more to come.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

Justified By God

In the covenant of grace, before the world was formed, God set His church apart in eternal election and justified His people in their Surety and Substitute Jesus Christ. God has always seen His people as righteous and holy under the blood and righteousness of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

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