Swords Into Plowshares
Our Bible passage, introduction to Sunday 15th January service and hymns are below.
Our verses are:
Isa 2:1 The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem.
Isa 2:2 And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORD'S house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.
Isa 2:3 And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.
Isa 2:4 And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.
Isa 2:5 O house of Jacob, come ye, and let us walk in the light of the LORD.
Swords Into Plowshares
When Isaiah wrote his prophecy the coming of the Lord Jesus was still many centuries away. Isaiah prophesied about ‘the last days’ when Messiah would appear, and when Christ would be revealed to the world. He comforted the Lord’s people of his own age and the ages following as they waited and watched for the fulfilment of God’s promise of redemption and salvation.
In scripture ‘the last days’ refers to the period of time in which we now live, it has already extended over two thousand years! The last days began with the first coming of the Lord Jesus and shall continue until the Lord’s return.
A house established
Isaiah mentions the establishment of the Lord’s house. As in chapter one he is speaking of Judah and Jerusalem, typifying the church and people of God. His vision concerning God’s elect is delightfully couched in language of peace, prosperity and exaltation. But there is a solemn and darker message, too. The prophet speaks of idolatry, pride and judgment upon those who Peter describes as ‘scoffers, walking after their own lusts’. The ‘last days’ are days during which Christ’s church is enlarged and exalted, and the wicked are diminished and shamed.
A kingdom exalted
Often we do not see matters in quite this way. As Isaiah looked from a long way off He saw the strength and energy of the Lord’s work, the redemption of the saints, and the gathering of the church. He saw the redeemed of all nations flowing into Zion and the elevation of Christ and His kingdom. He saw it ‘established in the top of the mountains, and … exalted above the hills’ showing that Christ’s kingdom was superior, enduring and dominant over the little hill-forts of this world.
Zion enlarged
We, on the other hand, living in these ‘last days’ become preoccupied with the waywardness of the wicked rather than the establishment of the elect. Remember, Isaiah was portraying our days to his generation as testimony of Christ’s victory, the winning of souls and the building of the church through the preaching of the gospel of grace. Sure, there are setbacks but from his perspective Isaiah saw the trend was upward and the ending glorious. Today we are watching Isaiah’s vision emerge in real time. We are witnessing the establishment of Zion and this fulfilment ought to encourage us as much as its promise encouraged our brothers and sisters in the Lord almost three thousand years ago.
Let us go up hence
In tomorrow’s service we shall be reminded we are they who say, ‘Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob’. We shall see that Isaiah describes you and me saying to each another, ‘Come, let us go to the Lord, come, let us dwell in His presence’. The prophet depicts us seeking the Lord’s guidance, ‘He will teach us’. Isaiah sees us walking in the paths of righteousness, and following in our Saviour’s steps. This was his divinely inspired vision of the last days, our days, these days in which we live.
Peace with God fosters goodwill to men
The prophet’s reference to the end of war cannot mean the absolute absence of violence for there will be wars and rumours of war to the end of time. Yet, there is a peace instilled in the hearts of those reconciled to God and dedicated to His service. We who serve in the ranks of the Lord do not fight with the weapons we once employed to the destruction of our own souls but minister with gifts and graces designed to build, bless and nurture those around us with gospel truth and life.
Study war no more
Swords into plowshares and spears into pruninghooks is a beautiful image of believers laying down their weapons of war and taking up a message of hope, in the service of the King of Peace, for the good of their fellow man. Micah and Isaiah, and perhaps Joel, all foresaw a time when peace would reign in the lives of God’s people, and when the Lord Himself would silence our enemies, suppress our oppressors, and bind the power of Satan.
Comfort ye my people
We are tempted to be discouraged and depressed at widespread wickedness in the world but should we not see this evil as God visiting judgment upon His enemies rather than the kingdom of Christ being overcome? Every time a sinner is saved, every time a believer is discovered, a victory is won and Christ’s kingdom is established and exalted. If Isaiah comforted God’s people with this prophecy foretold, we should be comforted with its promise fulfilled.
Our hymns are below.
Hymn 1
Gadsby selection 563
“Called unto the fellowship of … Christ.” 1 Cor. 1. 9
W. Gadsby 8.7.4.
Come, thou now exalted Saviour,
Bless us with a solemn frame;
Teach us now, henceforth, for ever,
To adore thy precious name;
Lovely Jesus,
Never let us stray again.
Lead us forth by thy sweet Spirit,
Now to feed on heavenly food;
And by faith may we inherit
The true riches of our God;
And with pleasure,
Trace the wonders of thy blood.
Into thy heart-breaking sorrows,
May our souls be sweetly led;
May we gaze upon the furrows
That within thy back were made;
And, believing,
Fellowship with Jesus have.
May we never rest, or glory
In a form, without the power;
Jesus, make us wise and holy,
Thee to love and to adore;
And, in living,
Live in thee for evermore.
While in Meshech we must wander,
Lead us out of self to thee;
And, with a transporting wonder,
May we oft thy glory see;
And, when dying,
Sing of deathless victory.
Hymn 2
Gadsby selection 608
“Walk worthy of the Lord.” Col. 1. 10; Eph. 4. 1
W. Gadsby 148th
Ye souls, redeemed with blood,
And called by grace divine,
Walk worthy of your God,
And let your conduct shine;
Keep Christ, your living Head, in view,
In all you say, in all you do.
Has Jesus made you free?
Then you are free indeed;
Ye sons of liberty,
Ye chosen royal seed,
Walk worthy of your Lord, and view
Your glorious Head, in all you do.
Shall sons of heavenly birth
Their dignity debase?
Unite with sons of earth,
And take a servant’s place?
The slaves to sin and Satan too?
Forget to keep their Lord in view?
Forbid it, mighty God!
Preserve us in thy fear;
Uphold with staff and rod,
And guard from every snare;
Teach us to walk with Christ in view,
And honour him in all we do.
Increase our faith and love,
And make us watch and pray;
O fix our souls above,
Nor let us ever stray;
Dear Lord, do thou our strength renew,
And lead us on with Christ in view.
The Lord Jesus Christ in His death and resurrection established His kingdom, sent forth His ministers and is not victoriously gathering God’s elect from all the nations of the world. Isaiah saw this great work of the last days seven centuries before Christ came. He encouraged the Lord’s people of his age with this prophecy. We should be encouraged in its fulfilment.
15 January 2023