Here are links to a few recent services. You can find all our services on our YouTube channel:

New Focus Church Online

Click any picture to listen to an audio of the sermon or watch a whole service on YouTube (the video link is at the end after the hymns). A copy of the hymns used in each service and a short introduction to the main themes of the day’s message is included. These are sent to subscribers as a weekly email prior to the service. If you would like to receive this email send your email address from the box at the bottom of the page and we shall be pleased to add you to our circulation. Scripture readings are taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

Peter Meney Peter Meney

I Will Do All My Pleasure

Our God is sovereign in all His ways. He does what pleases Him and His counsel will stand. Our blessed Saviour is faithful to keep, faithful to fulfil and faithful to save His church and people. Not one of His spiritual Israel will ever be lost or go uncared for and unprotected all the days of their lives.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

A Just God And A Saviour

The Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ successfully accomplishes its purpose to gather God's elect to Himself. It declares the message that we have both a just God and Saviour who makes His people righteous and enables us to believe. Our Lord Jesus Christ is a faithful and worthy God and Saviour.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

Willows By The Water

Our Lord Jesus Christ will have His inheritance of the people whose salvation He secured at Calvary. They are an ancient, appointed people, called into union with Christ in the covenant of grace and set apart for all time and eternity in their beloved Saviour. The sins if these chosen people are removed from before God’s sight having been blotted out and carried away by their Redeemer. These great promises are the foundation of our everlasting security and eternal joy.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

You Are Mine

God has a people whom He calls His own. They are His people of choice, precious in His sight and loved from before time. They are redeemed by Him, created by Him and called by Him to everlasting life in Jesus Christ. The people are called Judah and Israel, not because they are Jews but because they have the same faith as Abraham; faith in Jesus Christ.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

Sing A New Song

The Lord Jesus Christ is God’s elect servant in the covenant of grace. He alone could serve as Mediator to reconcile God and fallen man. In His great work our Saviour was upheld by His Father and in turn Christ gently and tenderly upholds His people in the midst of their troubles. He saves our souls, teaches us the gospel and places a new song of praise in our hearts.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

I Have Chosen Thee

The Lord Jehovah has revealed to His people His great works of creation, providence and salvation that we might be comforted as we trust in Him. Jehovah called the Son Jesus Christ in eternal council to stand Surety for His people and to come and suffer as Substitute for their sins. All we who are chosen in Christ have much to thank God for.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

Comfort Ye My People

The Lord Jehovah is the source of all true comfort in this world. He teaches us of that comfort in the scriptures of comfort and calls for preachers of comfort to bring His message to His people. The Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is the greatest comfort for our souls and by it believers experience and enjoy spiritual comfort in their daily lives.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

The House Of Precious Things

Hezekiah’s House of Precious Things were not really precious at all but it took a chastening rebuke from the Lord by the prophet Isaiah to expose the king’s foolishness and return him to trust in God. For believers the gospel and God’s grace and the Lord Jesus Christ Himself have all become precious and we have come to learn that we who are His are the Lord’s own House of Precious Things.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

The Sun Returned Ten Degrees

Hezekiah’s act of spreading before the Lord the source and cause of his trouble is an example for all the Lord’s people challenged by the trials of this world and the weakness of our flesh. Whether it is external oppression by others or inward wrestling in our own flesh through sin or sickness the Lord will hear the prayers of His people as we spread our need before Him.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

Spread It Before The LORD

Hezekiah’s act of spreading before the Lord the source and cause of his trouble is an example for all the Lord’s people challenged by the trials of this world and the weakness of our flesh. Whether it is external oppression by others or inward wrestling in our own flesh through sin or sickness the Lord will hear the prayers of His people as we spread our need before Him.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

We Trust In The LORD

Hezekiah’s faith in the Lord Jesus Christ was more than a match for Rabshakeh’s rantings yet the Lord’s enemy attacked the gospel and the comfort of the Lord’s people in ways that can take their toll. We are blessed to have Hezekiah’s example to teach us how to withstand the onslaughts of evil.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

The Way Of Holiness

Isaiah tells us of God who saves and a Way of holiness. This points to the Lord Jesus Christ who is a Saviour who enables, a Saviour who secures, a Saviour who gladdens and a Saviour who finishes. He is a Saviour to trust in time and for eternity.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

The Sword Of The LORD

God’s judgment against sin is graphically portrayed in this chapter where it is described as ‘The Sword Of The Lord’. God will judge sin and must obtain satisfaction for every transgression of His holy law. By grace God's elect discover the Lord Jesus Christ to be their Substitute sin-bearer and find peace with God through Him.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

The King In His Beauty

Our Lord Jesus Christ promises to protect His people and save His church from all our foes. He is our hiding place from the wind, our covert in the storm. He is all our righteousness and promises to supply peace, quietness and assurance for ever.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

Christ Our Hiding Place

Our Lord Jesus Christ promises to protect His people and save His church from all our foes. He is our hiding place from the wind, our covert in the storm. He is all our righteousness and promises to supply peace, quietness and assurance for ever.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

Christ Come Down To Fight

Our Lord Jesus Christ fought for His people's salvation on the cross. He won the victory and He has given it to us. Our Saviour told Isaiah, descending He will fight, defending He will deliver, passing over He will preserve. All this He has done and continues to do. Our Husband is a man of war as well as our Prince of Peace.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

In Quietness And Confidence

Our Lord Jesus Christ is the source of all salvation. Some rest in their faith, others in their works, some in their church, some in their minister’s praise. Only by resting in the completed work of Christ on the cross can a weary soul find rest. Only in our Saviour is there grounds for quietness of spirit and confidence of heart.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

When A Hungry Man Dreams

Empty religion that tries to approach God with sacrifices and worship God with the lips but not the heart is an offence to Him. Only true spiritual worship founded upon the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and offered spiritually by faith is acceptable to God. Isaiah comforts the Lord's people by pointing them to the Redeemer, reassuring them about God's purpose to save and the promise that Christ's church shall be taught the doctrine of grace.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

A Sure Foundation

Our Lord Jesus Christ is The Sure Foundation upon whom His people are safe and secure for all eternity. He is our Tried Stone, always dependable and trustworthy. He is our Precious Corner Stone upon whom His church stands and His people rest secure.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

Gathered One By One

Our Lord Jesus Christ everlastingly guards His people whom He calls His vineyard. He grafts them into Himself, the True Vine, that they might be fruitful through all the earth. He gathers them to Himself that they might be numbered in His church and arrayed in glory as His Bride.

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