Here are links to a few recent services. You can find all our services on our YouTube channel:
New Focus Church Online
Click any picture to listen to an audio of the sermon or watch a whole service on YouTube (the video link is at the end after the hymns). A copy of the hymns used in each service and a short introduction to the main themes of the day’s message is included. These are sent to subscribers as a weekly email prior to the service. If you would like to receive this email send your email address from the box at the bottom of the page and we shall be pleased to add you to our circulation. Scripture readings are taken from the King James Version of the Bible.
Thy Dead Men Shall Live
Isaiah looked forward with eager hope to the gospel day in which we live. He was blessed to see the day of the Lord and the success of the Saviour as He opened wide the gates of the church and brought many ‘sons unto glory’. Isaiah saw the blessings of imputed righteousness, peace with God, enlargement of the church, regeneration and full gospel blessing. What comforted Isaiah are the privileges we enjoy.
In This Mountain
The mountain of the Lord is His church. God’s elect people are redeemed by Christ’s blood, called in grace by the Holy Ghost and protected in the palm of The Father’s hand. This is Mt Zion where God reigns in the midst of His people. Isaiah gives us three promises from the Lord concerning what He shall do ‘in this mountain’. In God’s church He will feed His people with gospel fare, unveil their eyes to heavenly truth and destroy their enemies that they be no longer troubled.
The Earth Turned Upside Down
Our sovereign and holy God is the judge who comes in righteousness to turn this world upside down. Yet, the Lord’s people are safeguarded and protected by the Saviour Himself who visits His own children with mercy, comfort and strength in their trials in this world.
The Lord Will Visit Tyre
Our Lord Jesus Christ visited the city of Tyre to bless its inhabitants with the gospel. He visits His people still to bring mercy and grace. When the Lord visits His people with transforming grace they are transformed and filled with new passions, new purpose and new life in Christ. The people of Tyre made their living from sea-trade but when the Lord visited Tyre what had once supported the worship of Baal was now directed to the glory of God and preaching of the gospel.
A Nail In A Sure Place
Our Lord Jesus Christ is a ‘nail in a sure place’. The souls of all God’s elect hang upon the person and work of the blessed Saviour Jesus Christ within the covenant of purposes of God. He is all our salvation and He is all our desire. On the cross the Saviour hung between heaven and earth. There all our sin was laid on Him and carried by Him.
Full Assurance Of Faith
Many believers struggle with personal assurance but the scriptures tell us full assurance is God’s gift to those who see the efficacy of Christ’s sacrifice, receive the Holy Spirit’s ministry to our hearts and bodies, and understand God’s faithfulness. Our assurance is not based upon our feelings but upon God’s promises and He is dependably faithful and true.
For Ever And Ever. Amen.
Our Lord Jesus Christ promised His people that the Father's pleasure was to give them the kingdom of glory. Daniel, too, knew that the Saints would possess the kingdom of the Son of Man. God gives grace and glory to His people. Grace in salvation and glory in His everlasting kingdom. Those to whom He gives grace He will certainly preserve and bring into glory.
The Quick And The Dead
Quick means alive and Paul tells the Lord's people they have been made alive by the power of God when they were dead in their sins. Salvation is a sovereign work of God and quickening brings a new creation, spiritual occupation and life-long transformation. It begins a good work and God's mercies are new every morning.
Even God Has Limits
The Lord Jesus Christ is a suitable Saviour for sinners like us. His perfect life and willing death was crowned by resurrection and glory. He is also a selective Saviour for He bought with His death and brought to salvation all those placed into His hand by elective decree. He is also a successful Saviour; all for whom He died are justified, redeemed, reconciled and heirs of glory by the merits of His precious blood.
Election? Is That Fair?
The Biblical doctrine of unconditional election to salvation is denied and misrepresented by many but it is the foundation of God's covenant purposes of grace and truth. Believers rejoice to know that their great God and loving Saviour has accomplished and supplied a full, free and complete salvation according to His good will and sovereign purpose.
I’m Not That Bad
If we are to have a proper estimation of our condition as sinners before God we ought to hear what God says about it. The verdict is not good. We are fallen, contrary and rebellious people opposed to God. It takes a work of grace to make the change our hearts and that work is sovereignly God’s alone.
Watchman, What Of The Night?
Isaiah served God as a prophet and as a watchman. Preachers are watchmen, too. They watch for danger from without the church and trouble from within. Let every watchman answer the earnest enquiry, ‘Watchman, what of the night?’ Let every believer ask that question with humble honesty. Let us all remember the principal Watchman over our souls is our Saviour Jesus Christ.
How Shall We Escape?
The Lord Jesus Christ has provided a way of escape for sinners like us. Isaiah warned his age not to rely upon the strength of flesh and spiritually all believers must learn the same lesson both for salvation and in their pilgrim journey. The Lord teaches us to trust not in our own abilities but in Him.
Send Them A Saviour
The Lord Jesus Christ is the Saviour who was sent to Egypt; what a great Saviour He is! Isaiah’s audience must have been filled with amazement to hear the prophet speak of Egypt’s salvation and Assyria’s deliverance. These are the blessings of gospel days when God’s elect shall be redeemed to God by Christ’s blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation.
A Present Brought To The Lord
Here Isaiah teaches us about the Lord’s elect, a scattered and peeled people. He shows us how the Lord Jesus Christ is an ensign and a trumpet to call God’s remnant people from amongst the nations. He teaches us how to interpret enduring trials and he confirms the promises that we shall be presented to God as a holy, perfect people in Christ.
The Holy One Of Israel
The Lord Jesus Christ is the Holy One of Israel and the eyes of His people discern and discover Him by faith to be the giver of grace and bringer of peace. In Christ we have complete redemption, complete pardon and the perfect justifying righteousness of God. Christ is our full, free and sufficient salvation.
Mercy, Truth And Righteousness
The Lord Jesus Christ is the subject of Isaiah’s prophecy. It is He whose kingdom is established in mercy, who sits on a throne of truth and who dispenses righteousness to His people. May the burden of Moab continue to speak to lead the Lord’s little ones under the protection of His wings.
Lucifer, Son Of The Morning
In his pride the King of Babylon set himself up as God, claiming divinity and personifying the religion of man’s fallen, sinful heart. Our Lord Jesus Christ is the true morning star. Salvation and healing are to be found only in the power of Christ’s death and resurrection.
A Man More Precious Than Gold
Isaiah records a series of ‘burdens’. These burdens reveal the character of God; His holiness, sovereignty and distinguishing love. They also teach us how we should understand the unfolding of world events. They also point us to the Lord Jesus Christ. Isaiah's message is still relevant today for the people of God!
God Is My Salvation
It is our privilege to praise God for the excellence of the Lord Jesus Christ and the greatness of all His accomplishments. It is also our privilege to declare His doings to those around us in the world. May God give us grace and opportunity, with comfort and joy as we worship Him and serve His cause.
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