Particular Redemption And The Theology of Andrew Fuller
By William Rushton Foreword by George M. Ella
In recent years many believers in the doctrines of free and sovereign grace have begun to notice a certain coolness to these truths in the opinions of erstwhile friends of the gospel. At first we thought that it was just a matter of words; a slight variation in definitions and emphases. Then we began to realise that while we spoke of substitutionary atonement and particular redemption, they were talking of God desiring salvation for everyone and the sufficiency of Christ’s death for all who believe.
The difference was most noticeable in the pulpit. It seemed these teachers were not quite free-will Arminians. Yet neither were they the heirs of that solid, clear witness of our Reformed forefathers. Instead of grace being a free gift from God, they spoke of salvation as a free-offer. Instead of faith being God’s alone to bestow they filled their sermons with man’s duty to believe and obligation to obey.
Some people call this teaching ‘moderate’ or ‘mongrel’ Calvinism but its lineage can be traced to Andrew Fuller in the eighteenth century who sought to soften the despised gospel of Jesus Christ and make it more attractive and accessible to unbelievers. Fuller does not appear to have grasped that a key feature of true gospel preaching is the very opposition from the world which he sought to dispel. Today, the teaching rightly goes by the name of Fullerism.
When William Rushton first addressed the errors of Fullerism he did so by exposing its faulty view of Christ’s atoning work in the redemption of God’s elect. By reprinting Particular Redemption, his defence of the gospel, together with an introductory essay by Dr George M. Ella charting the destructive progress of Fullerism, we hope once again to show free grace believers where the central error of this teaching lies and how best to answer its modern advocates.
Rushton’s text is as it appeared in the second edition of his book with the addition of chapter and occasional paragraph headings for the assistance of the reader. We thank Dr Ella for his help with this work.
Publisher: Go Publications
By William Rushton Foreword by George M. Ella
In recent years many believers in the doctrines of free and sovereign grace have begun to notice a certain coolness to these truths in the opinions of erstwhile friends of the gospel. At first we thought that it was just a matter of words; a slight variation in definitions and emphases. Then we began to realise that while we spoke of substitutionary atonement and particular redemption, they were talking of God desiring salvation for everyone and the sufficiency of Christ’s death for all who believe.
The difference was most noticeable in the pulpit. It seemed these teachers were not quite free-will Arminians. Yet neither were they the heirs of that solid, clear witness of our Reformed forefathers. Instead of grace being a free gift from God, they spoke of salvation as a free-offer. Instead of faith being God’s alone to bestow they filled their sermons with man’s duty to believe and obligation to obey.
Some people call this teaching ‘moderate’ or ‘mongrel’ Calvinism but its lineage can be traced to Andrew Fuller in the eighteenth century who sought to soften the despised gospel of Jesus Christ and make it more attractive and accessible to unbelievers. Fuller does not appear to have grasped that a key feature of true gospel preaching is the very opposition from the world which he sought to dispel. Today, the teaching rightly goes by the name of Fullerism.
When William Rushton first addressed the errors of Fullerism he did so by exposing its faulty view of Christ’s atoning work in the redemption of God’s elect. By reprinting Particular Redemption, his defence of the gospel, together with an introductory essay by Dr George M. Ella charting the destructive progress of Fullerism, we hope once again to show free grace believers where the central error of this teaching lies and how best to answer its modern advocates.
Rushton’s text is as it appeared in the second edition of his book with the addition of chapter and occasional paragraph headings for the assistance of the reader. We thank Dr Ella for his help with this work.
Publisher: Go Publications
By William Rushton Foreword by George M. Ella
In recent years many believers in the doctrines of free and sovereign grace have begun to notice a certain coolness to these truths in the opinions of erstwhile friends of the gospel. At first we thought that it was just a matter of words; a slight variation in definitions and emphases. Then we began to realise that while we spoke of substitutionary atonement and particular redemption, they were talking of God desiring salvation for everyone and the sufficiency of Christ’s death for all who believe.
The difference was most noticeable in the pulpit. It seemed these teachers were not quite free-will Arminians. Yet neither were they the heirs of that solid, clear witness of our Reformed forefathers. Instead of grace being a free gift from God, they spoke of salvation as a free-offer. Instead of faith being God’s alone to bestow they filled their sermons with man’s duty to believe and obligation to obey.
Some people call this teaching ‘moderate’ or ‘mongrel’ Calvinism but its lineage can be traced to Andrew Fuller in the eighteenth century who sought to soften the despised gospel of Jesus Christ and make it more attractive and accessible to unbelievers. Fuller does not appear to have grasped that a key feature of true gospel preaching is the very opposition from the world which he sought to dispel. Today, the teaching rightly goes by the name of Fullerism.
When William Rushton first addressed the errors of Fullerism he did so by exposing its faulty view of Christ’s atoning work in the redemption of God’s elect. By reprinting Particular Redemption, his defence of the gospel, together with an introductory essay by Dr George M. Ella charting the destructive progress of Fullerism, we hope once again to show free grace believers where the central error of this teaching lies and how best to answer its modern advocates.
Rushton’s text is as it appeared in the second edition of his book with the addition of chapter and occasional paragraph headings for the assistance of the reader. We thank Dr Ella for his help with this work.
Publisher: Go Publications