Here are links to a few recent services. You can find all our services on our YouTube channel:
New Focus Church Online
Click any picture to listen to an audio of the sermon or watch a whole service on YouTube (the video link is at the end after the hymns). A copy of the hymns used in each service and a short introduction to the main themes of the day’s message is included. These are sent to subscribers as a weekly email prior to the service. If you would like to receive this email send your email address from the box at the bottom of the page and we shall be pleased to add you to our circulation. Scripture readings are taken from the King James Version of the Bible.
Not Far From The Kingdom
The Lord Jesus Christ taught His disciples and His church that true worship is spiritual worship, built on a knowledge of gospel truth and inspired by personal faith in Jesus Christ. May none of us be content merely to be ‘near the kingdom of God’. May we rather be like those who listened to the Lord’s Sermon on the Mount, and who ‘seek … first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness’, ‘Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe’ (Matthew 6:33; Romans 3:22).
12 June 2022
When They Shall Rise
The Lord Jesus Christ met His antagonists head on when they came attacking His doctrine and ministry. In so doing He teaches us not only that these bodies of ours shall rise gloriously from the dead as spiritual bodies, but that the Gospel of new life in Christ is the only message by which sinners can be saved and find comfort in death.
05 June 2022
The Things That Are God’s
The Lord Jesus Christ calls upon His people to render to God the things that are God’s. There is but one way to do this and that is by faith. We honour God, worship God, love God, serve God, and obey God to the extent that we trust in Him through the faith of Jesus Christ which He has given to His people for that purpose.
29 May 2022
Marvellous In Our Eyes
The Lord Jesus Christ often taught using parables. The parable of the fraudulent tenants gives an overview of mankind’s rebellion and opposition to God from the beginning of time to the slaying of God’s own precious Son at Calvary. However, there will be a reckoning and destruction will overtake all who reject God’s marvellous salvation in Christ.
22 May 2022
By What Authority?
The Lord Jesus Christ faced His enemies in the temple as they demanded He give an account of Himself, and the authority by which He did and said the things He did. The Lord requires an answer first from them which they are unwilling to supply, whereupon the Saviour declaims their hypocrisy.
15 May 2022
Dried From The Roots Up
The Lord Jesus Christ taught His disciples using many wonderful miracles including, and perhaps surprisingly, a withered fig tree! He told them that faith in God was at the heart of all true religion and the power that would attend their own ministries in the years to come.
08 May 2022
Jesus Looked Round About
The Lord Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem and “looked round about upon all things”. The Lord was no sightseeing tourist, however. This insight and awareness teaches us the Lord knew all that was happening and how to interpret the events and needs of those around Him. We see in His words and actions the glory of His divine majesty and the humility of human need. These endear us to the One who alone could stand in our place and save our souls.
01 May 2022
The Keys Of Hell And Death
The Lord Jesus Christ appeared to John on the Isle of Patmos and declared, “I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death” (Rev 1:18). Believing this makes a difference at to how we live and what we look forward to enjoying.
17 April 2022
The Colt Whereon Never Man Sat
The Lord Jesus Christ sat upon a donkey, an ass and the colt of an ass, on the final part of His journey into Jerusalem where He would suffer and die for His people. Why a donkey now after years of walking, and why an unbroken colt upon whom never man sat?
24 April 2022
Have Mercy On Me
The Lord Jesus Christ met Bartimaeus, a blind beggar, on the road out of Jericho. Bartimaeus certainly was blind but he knew his Bible and he knew too, that Jesus Christ, the Son of David, could heal the blind. He believed that Jesus of Nazareth was the Messiah so he cried out, ‘Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy on me’. Jesus did have mercy for He never disappoints anyone who comes to Him in faith.
10 April 2022
A Ransom For Many
The Lord Jesus Christ gave His disciples three great lessons following a less than great request from James and John. They were: a beautiful statement of God’s covenant purpose, a patient re-statement of true Christian character, and a delightful confirmation of limited, substitutionary atonement. James’ and John’s request for pre-eminence was unfortunate but we can thank them for it in light of these blessed truths it elicited from the Saviour.
03 April 2022
Jesus Went Before Them
The Lord Jesus Christ went before His disciples as they travelled up to Jerusalem where He would be crucified. Such was the zeal of our Saviour that He must press on to meet the ‘due time’ for His suffering and death. The Lord is our Forerunner, our Intercessor and Mansion-builder and has gone before us to prepare the way that we might follow after Him confidently and with joy.
27 March 2022
Who Then Can Be Saved?
The Lord Jesus Christ meets the Rich Young Ruler. This young man is eager for religion but grieved at the cost of spiritual life. He spends his life meticulously following God’s law only to discover he has never grasped its spiritual tenor and never felt the power of its curse. The Lord Jesus shows him that far from obeying the law from his youth as he assumed he has stumbled at the first step and must obtain the righteousness of another if eternal life is to be enjoyed.
20 March 2022
In His Arms
The Lord Jesus Christ calls us to come to Him as little children. When we do He embraces us in His arms, lays His hand upon us, and intercedes with His Father on our behalf.
13 March 2022
The Hardness Of Your Heart
The Lord Jesus Christ’s comments on divorce and remarriage went to the heart of man’s sinful condition. We act from the hardness of our hearts, we decide in our own self-interest. But God’s way is a better way, and in Jesus Christ sinners can find redemption, forgiveness and everlasting joy.
06 March 2022
Because You Belong To Christ
The Lord Jesus Christ reminds His disciples about God's elective purpose and the spiritual and eternal blessings that flow to all believers because they belong to Christ.
13 February 2022
Afraid To Ask
The Lord’s disciples failed to understand His teaching about His imminent suffering, death, resurrection and ascension and Mark says they were afraid to ask for an explanation. The Lord therefore shows them His kingdom is not about greatness but about service, not about personal glory but about personal sacrifice and He Himself is our example.
13 February 2022
Help Thou Mine Unbelief
The Lord Jesus Christ healed the son of a man struggling with faith. In doing so the Saviour teaches us all something about faith, and encourages us to cry with those in need, “Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief”.
06 February 2022
The Transfiguration Of Christ
Our Lord’s Transfiguration was a unique and glorious revelation of His glory and honour. By it we see His majesty, His supremacy, His sacrifice and His grace. By it we see Jesus only.
30 January 2022
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