Here are links to a few recent services. You can find all our services on our YouTube channel:
New Focus Church Online
Click any picture to listen to an audio of the sermon or watch a whole service on YouTube (the video link is at the end after the hymns). A copy of the hymns used in each service and a short introduction to the main themes of the day’s message is included. These are sent to subscribers as a weekly email prior to the service. If you would like to receive this email send your email address from the box at the bottom of the page and we shall be pleased to add you to our circulation. Scripture readings are taken from the King James Version of the Bible.
When Jesus Asks A Question
The Lord Jesus teaches His disciples what it means to follow Him. Following Christ is a spiritual experience. We follow Him by faith. We stand for His truth, serve His calling and rejoice in His sovereign grace and glory. Following the Lord in this life will bring Christ’s people honour in heaven in the life to come.
23 January 2022
Get Thee Behind Me, Satan
The Lord Jesus is speaking openly about His coming suffering, death and resurrection. Peter rebukes the Lord and is in turn rebuked by the Lord because Peter has a taste for the things that be of this world and does not savour the things that be of God.
16 January 2022
Thou Art The Christ
True faith is a heart experience, what Paul calls “believe in thine heart”. I know anyone can say “I believe in Jesus”, or “Jesus is the Christ”, perhaps Judas was present here, and did. But let us not get precious about examining others when the Lord’s question is direct, intimate & personal. “Whom do you say I am?”
09 January 2022
Men As Trees, Walking
The healing of a blind man in two stages by the double touch of the Saviour’s hand reminds us that though the grace and goodness of the Lord Jesus Christ is the same for all His people our own personal experiences of it may differ. Entrance into light and understanding may be immediate for some, and more gradual for others, yet our salvation is the same.
02 January 2022
I Will Give Thee Rest
Exodus 33:12-23 tells of Moses intercession for the Children of Israel after they made and worshipped the golden calf. Moses asked God for three things, so see the way of salvation, to know the Lord Jesus Christ, to know if his intercession had been successful. The LORD complied and Moses became a beautiful example of Christ Our Intercessor.
26 December 2021
The Zeal Of The LORD
Isaiah chapter 9:6, 7 promised the arrival of the Lord Jesus Christ into the world as a child born, and a son given. This prophecy assured generations of believers in the Old Testament to await and look for the coming Saviour. It was just a matter of time. There was no doubt He would come and accomplish all that was foretold of Him, for the Zeal of the LORD will perform it.
19 December 2021
Beware Of The Leaven
The Lord Jesus Christ warns His disciples to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of Herod. He was warning them against the errors of freewill and works-righteousness. These doctrinal errors are still dangerous to believers today.
12 December 2021
They Did Eat And Were Filled
The Lord Jesus Christ feeds four thousand people and teaches His disciples something more about their apostolic ministry and responsibilities.
5 December 2021
He Hath Done All Things Well
The Lord Jesus Christ physically heals a deaf and dumb man and points us to the spiritual parallels and salvation by His sovereign omnipotence.
28 November 2021
The Dogs Under The Table
The Lord Jesus Christ travels to the region of Tyre and Sidon to meet a Syrophoenician woman and heal her daughter.
21 November 2021
Jesus Walks Upon The Sea
The Lord teaches His disciples His kingdom is worldwide and spiritual
24 October 2021
Jesus Feeds Five Thousand (plus)
The Lord teaches His disciples about taking the gospel to the multitudes
17 October 2021
The Death of John the Baptist
The cost of discipleship and the glory that awaits
10 October 2021
Gentle As A Dove
The Lord Jesus sends out His disciples to preach the gospel
03 October 2021
‘A Few Sick Folk’
The Lord Jesus Christ is rejected in His home City of Nazareth
27 September 2021
What Was Done In Her
Jesus heals a woman with an issue of blood (Mark 5:25-35)
12 September 2021
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