Jonah Was Very Angry
Our Bible passage, introduction to Sunday 19th January service and hymns are below.
Our principal verses are:
Jon 4:1 But it displeased Jonah exceedingly, and he was very angry.
Jon 4:2 And he prayed unto the LORD, and said, I pray thee, O LORD, was not this my saying, when I was yet in my country? Therefore I fled before unto Tarshish: for I knew that thou art a gracious God, and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repentest thee of the evil.
Jon 4:3 Therefore now, O LORD, take, I beseech thee, my life from me; for it is better for me to die than to live.
Jon 4:4 Then said the LORD, Doest thou well to be angry?
Jonah Was Very Angry
What a strange reaction Jonah exhibits to the repenting of the Ninevites and the mercy shown to them by God. The language of the opening verse is intense. Jonah was not simply displeased but ‘exceedingly’ displeased. His displeasure turned to anger and he was ‘very angry’. It is not easy to account for Jonah’s fiery response. After all, his preaching had been gladly received and heartily believed. A vast number of souls had been delivered from destruction and saved by the grace of God. Surely a minister of God would delight in such an outcome?
The pride of man
It has been suggested Jonah was jealous for his own reputation. He announced judgment then felt slighted when it did not happened. Perhaps Jonah was concerned for God’s honour, fearing deliverance was too easily obtained when judgment was so justly deserved. Might not this make the God of the Hebrews look weak? Jonah’s previous prophecy had foretold God’s role in the recovery of lost Israelite territory. Was Jonah was more impressed with the judgment of Israel’s foes than their salvation?
A lost opportunity?
It may be the real concern of the prophet was the implication for Israel who had long tried God’s patience with their sin. Jonah had preached in Israel without any sign of repentance. Israel was ripe for judgment. The destruction of Nineveh would have provided a powerful warning of divine wrath. Perhaps Jonah reasoned that God being merciful to these idolatrous Gentiles did not send the right message to Israel.
Out of order
Whatever the reason, the prophet showed himself to be greatly in the wrong as he voiced his anger. He lost his temper. He remonstrated with God under the guise of a prayer and defended his original decision to flee to Tarshish. He showed little reverence for God, berating the Lord for his grace and mercy. He had no regard for precious souls, so highly valued by God and for whom the Lord Jesus would later die. Jonah seems to have forgotten the forgiveness he had personally obtained. He forgot the laudable humility and reverence of his earlier prayer in the whale’s belly.
While angels rejoiced
Heavy was the darkness that now settled over the prophet. He wished to die and asked the Lord to slay him. ‘Take, I beseech thee, my life from me.’ As the angels in heaven rejoiced at the salvation of the people of Nineveh, Jonah railed against God and asked for death. Here the Holy Spirit shows us the true nature of rebellious hearts, even our own heart, if it is left for a moment without the upholding and preserving power of grace.
Time to stop speaking
Thank God for His forbearance and gentleness towards His servant. Had the Lord complied with Jonah’s request we might not have been surprised. We note the tenderness and great patience of the Lord as He again corrects this wayward son. Our God is a loving Father who endures much from His wilful children. He hushes Jonah’s rant with a simple question. ‘Doest thou well to be angry?’ Jonah does not reply but leaves the city. We trust the question spoke to his conscience and caused him to reflect on his conduct.
There are lessons to be learned from Jonah’s sullen and defiant mindset. Lessons about the wisdom and power of God in the salvation of sinners and about the exercise of sovereign grace. Lessons about our approach to the Lord’s providences and about proper humility and care in our prayers. However, the sweetest message is how gentle and longsuffering the Lord is with us. How merciful, slow to anger and kind He is towards those whom He loves.
The gift of grace
These qualities in our Saviour are His gift to us by grace. How contrary we are in the attitudes of our own heart and the prejudices of our mind against one another and even against the Lord Himself. How merciful to hear Him say to us, ‘Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool’ (Isaiah 1:18).
Our hymns are below.
Hymn 1
Gadsby selection 925
“This man shall be the peace.” Mic. 5. 5; Eph. 2. 14
J. Kent L.M.
Peace by his cross has Jesus made;
The church’s everlasting Head
O’er hell and sin has victory won,
And, with a shout, to glory gone.
When o’er thy head the billows roll,
And shades of sin obscure thy soul;
When thou canst no deliverance see,
Yet still this Man thy Peace shall be.
In tribulation’s thorny maze,
Or on the mount of sovereign grace,
Or in the fire, or through the sea,
This glorious Man thy Peace shall be.
Yea, when thy eye of faith is dim,
Rest thou on Jesus, sink or swim,
And at his footstool bow the knee,
For Israel’s God thy Peace shall be.
Hymn 2
Gadsby selection 926
“Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.” Ps. 61. 2
J. Kent L.M.
When overwhelmed with doubts and fear,
Great God, do thou my spirit cheer;
Let not my eyes with tears be fed,
But to the Rock of Ages led.
When guilt lies heavy on my soul,
And waves of fierce temptation roll,
I’d to this Rock for shelter flee,
And make my refuge, Lord, in thee.
When sick, or faint, or sore dismayed,
Then let my hopes on thee be stayed;
Thy summit rising to the skies,
Can shield my head when dangers rise.
When called the vale of death to tread,
Then to this Rock may I be led.
Nor fear to cross that gloomy sea,
Since thou hast tasted death for me.
Jonah’s anger at the Lord seems astonishing. How can such a thing be justified? It cannot. Nevertheless, we all are prone to Jonah's sin for our own personal reasons when Satan temps us to despair and we look for someone to blame. May we learn from Jonah and be protected by the same God who patiently cared for His wayward prophet.