Here are links to a few recent services. You can find all our services on our YouTube channel:

New Focus Church Online

Click any picture to listen to an audio of the sermon or watch a whole service on YouTube (the video link is at the end after the hymns). A copy of the hymns used in each service and a short introduction to the main themes of the day’s message is included. These are sent to subscribers as a weekly email prior to the service. If you would like to receive this email send your email address from the box at the bottom of the page and we shall be pleased to add you to our circulation. Scripture readings are taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

Peter Meney Peter Meney

Christ, The Firstborn

Our Lord Jesus Christ is The Firstborn of God and as such takes the pre-eminence amongst His brethren. The glory of man must either bow under the Lordship of Christ and be preserved by the blood of the Lamb or be destroyed as was the pride of Egypt in the day of plague.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

He Also Did Predestinate

Predestination is God placing His elect people into Christ for their everlasting good. Today we shall consider what Predestination is, what it means, what it accomplishes and the reaction it elicits from men and women.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

Whom He Did Foreknow

God’s foreknowledge is not merely knowing the future. It is His eternal loving wisdom. It is personal, purposeful, particular and perfecting for the people He loved before time and whose salvation and glory He has ordered and secured.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

The Called

God's calls His people from death to life, darkness to light with an effectual, spiritual call of grace. He calls us to conviction for sin, conversion through faith, conformity to Christ and completion in glory. God calls and His people are 'the called in Jesus Christ'.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

Them That Love God

We speak often of the Lord’s love for His people, rightly so. It is the most wonderful, gracious mercy upon the face of this earth. However, today I want to briefly mention our love for the Lord. I hope to show you that it is wonderful, too.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

Together For Good

Our God and Father has promised to do His people good and bring us to glory. All that we see around us, all that we experience, endure and enjoy is for our spiritual good and eternal glory.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

Him That Is Able

Jude wishes to encourage the Lord's people in the gospel of God's grace and the mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is this mercy that will bring all Christ's redeemed people to heavenly glory. He also instructs us to act with compassion to those around us while being ready to rebuke those who deal deceitfully with the gospel of grace.Our Lord Jesus Christ is all-wise, all-knowing and all-powerful. To Him, Jude says, is due all glory and majesty, dominion and power. Such is the sovereign God we worship and the Saviour in whom we trust. He is able to keep us from falling, keep us holy, keep us fit for glory and keep us happy. He is the great Amen!

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

Of Some Have Compassion

Jude wishes to encourage the Lord's people in the gospel of God's grace and the mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is this mercy that will bring all Christ's redeemed people to heavenly glory. He also instructs us to act with compassion to those around us while being ready to rebuke those who deal deceitfully with the gospel of grace.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

Mockers In The Last Time

Jude concludes his denunciation of the ungodly men who have crept into the congregations of the Lord's people by revealing the source of their problem. The do not have the Spirit of God in them. They are unregenerate and they are unbelieving. The speak of faith but have none. The speak of new life but they remain dead in trespasses and sins.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

Enoch The Prophet

Enoch was a prophet of God and a man of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ from before the days of Noah and the flood. His faith is acknowledged in Hebrews where we are told that he pleased God. Enoch was a sinful man as we all are sinful but God was pleased with Enoch for Christ’s sake and justified this old saint by the blood and righteousness of his Saviour. Enoch walked with God and his testimony though small is a precious witness to the grace of God in Christ.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

Clouds Without Water

Jude lists four powerful descriptions to underscore the barrenness of these graceless men in the church fellowship. He likens them to clouds without water, trees without fruit, roaring, foaming waves and wandering stars. The metaphors emphasise the futility and sterility of a Christless gospel. When there is no spiritual life in a man and no gospel truth in his ministry there can be no lasting usefulness to his labours.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

Brute Beasts

Jude warns the Lord's people to beware of brute beasts who enter the churches of Christ with the errors of false worship. He employs examples from Cain, Balaam and Korah.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

Michael The Archangel

Michael the archangel is very likely the Lord Jesus Christ by a heavenly name. Michael contended with Satan to deliver Jeshua from the devil’s accusations. Our Lord Jesus Christ has delivered His church from under the curse of Moses’ law and brought us peace with God.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

Reserved In Everlasting Chains

Jude provides three examples of past judgments inflicted by the holy Lord God so the Lord's people may know how serious is false doctrine and how condemnable those who preach it within the assemblies of God's people.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

Ordained To This Condemnation

Jude gives Christ's church three characteristics to identify the ungodly men who have crept into the church with their errors and evil conduct. They corrupt the grace of God. They deny the Lord God. They deny the efficacy of the work of Christ. Mark those men and earnestly contend for the truth.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

The Faith Once Delivered

Jude’s message for the Lord’s people is an instruction to contend for the truth against those who would deny the doctrine and teaching of our common salvation once delivered to the saints by the Lord Jesus Christ and His apostles.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

Mercy, Peace And Love

God’s mercy, peace and love are everlasting and constant to His people in Christ. Nevertheless, Jude knows we often fail to enjoy and lay hold upon these truths because our faith is weak and falters. Therefore, Jude prays that new and fresh applications of these three graces be granted and multiplied that Christ’s people may be helped through their Christian pilgrimage.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

Sanctified By God

David knew the Lord was his Shepherd and trusted that the Good Shepherd would protect and preserve him in life and in death. He knew that with Christ by his side he had nothing to fear in the valley of the shadow of death.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

Thy Rod And Thy Staff

David knew the Lord was his Shepherd and trusted that the Good Shepherd would protect and preserve him in life and in death. He knew that with Christ by his side he had nothing to fear in the valley of the shadow of death.

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Peter Meney Peter Meney

I Will Choose Their Delusions

Isaiah preached the Lord Jesus Christ to his Old Testament congregation of faithful believers; a remnant people. He preached judgment for sin, grace for sinners and the glories of the Saviour Jesus Christ. We thank the prophet for His faithful testimony. We thank His Lord for so great salvation.

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