That the purpose of God according to election might stand
New Focus Church is an online fellowship of Christians who believe in sovereign grace
We host online services each week where we share hymns, prayers and gospel preaching for friends who may not have easy access to a physical church service, or who are looking for a clear and strong sovereign grace ministry.
Please take a few minutes to look around. We have gospel preaching on video and audio, articles and magazines and books, and each Lord’s day a live broadcast service which you are welcome to join. Thank you for stopping by.
Join our global fellowship
New Focus Church services are streamed live on YouTube every Sunday and you are welcome to join us. It is our intention in every service to preach the gospel of free sovereign grace and to lift up the Lord Jesus Christ that His people may worship Him. We consider our highest calling to be the worship of our Triune God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and we endeavour to worship Him in spirit and in truth. If you are a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and looking for a fellowship to call your own please join us.
Upcoming Service
Our next service will be this coming Sunday, the Lord’s Day, and we shall meet online to honour and worship our God. If you are unable to join us live you can watch or listen later. Our worship includes preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and His saving grace to sinners. In the days running up to the service our Bible passage for the day, our hymns and a brief introduction to the sermon can be found on the link below.

“Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel”